Why do people hate on him so much he’s doing so good on sen and diffed aspas ( a world champion)
Idk but I know that he is real duelist player. He plays only duelists, not like Semen0 or something. He is also better than aspas bcs aspas can play good only Jett and Reyna, zekken was doing fine on any duelist he played so far (but aspas still best aimer in the world). Only better duelist than zekken in Americas VCT I would say is qck.
Com was a world-class viper player and has played fade/breach at a high level before plus his skye looked decent too esp with no prior experience. Igl point maybe true but we'll see with more time. Tex was ass but that's to be expected with role switch and new system. Mazino was good lol if anything he's surpassed expectations, he was the lower middle of the pack for controller players which is a huge upgrade from by far the worst the last team.