Which teams cooked absolute garbage? Classic - have to seen in game Player card- GE
idk who downvoted u bc ur so right
Classic - Furia (copying NRG no originality lmao NRG is the original) Playercards - Zeta 💀
Furia original NRG COPY
Player card - DFM screams boring
yeah, it does look like its just their logo on a blue background.
classic has to be any of the red and black 🗿 there’s like 5-6 of them. worst card has to be SEN or EG.
zeta and dfm cards are definitely worse then sen/eg
Zeta and DFM are just terrible and lazy. Sen's is a bit underwhelming.
Classic: GE Player card: GE, ZETA, DFM
No hate, but the classic colors combination is just bad, as for the player card (GE) AI could do better than what they designed (personal opinion).