Flag: England
Registered: April 5, 2022
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 5:07 PM
Posts: 140
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in theory i agree apart from the fnatic and BBL rating, they played the winners of the tournament and then struggled in a domestic game. I think i would put fnatic at 5 and then vitality and liquid were basically as good as each other so maybe i would put vitality above liquid but it's a coin toss

However i think its really hard to rank teams after an international, we don't know who has improved with their time away and we don't know how much time TH have had to practise, they likely will have a harder first week because they have only had a few weeks to practise

posted 9 months ago

idk about navi but i think FUT and Heratics might both be better atm the moment but its hard to say

posted 10 months ago

im surprised the Americas stream doesn't have subway surfers playing over the minimap

posted 10 months ago

I mean im no analyst but in my opinion they just don't look like the same team from last year. Back then they had so many different set plays and util combos designs to give them advantages for example the fracture seize, brim ult with the stun off door contact - vs 100T at lock in

The team seems to have lost this, maybe Boaster likes calling more strategic plans rather than util combos and traps but something is clearly not working for them anymore

posted 10 months ago

congrats on the win, it was well deserved

posted 10 months ago

thats my boy

posted 10 months ago

bro, the KRU that got 2-0ed immediately went through LCQ. If KRU after beating everyone gets 2-0ed and flops at LAN then so would sentinels.

posted 10 months ago

KRU deserve their spot, even in an international tournament i think this KRU would beat sentinels in their current form. In the few weeks since Madrid they fell apart.

posted 10 months ago

alternative viewpoint, they just won in Madrid, everyone has seen a tonne of their gameplans, everyone wants to beat them, everyone is counter strating them. They haven't been playing as good as they did at Madrid but other teams know their game. Game is rigged against them atm.

posted 10 months ago

overcooking, I think they are just in a rough patch and are making some weird decisions they can't explain without telling their opponents too much

posted 10 months ago

fair enough

posted 10 months ago

professionally it's less formal. Also you started a debate by telling people incorrectly that it was more formal

posted 10 months ago

yeah that is correct, i've heard the same and a quick google search backs us up

posted 10 months ago

just google it, the internet says otherwise

posted 10 months ago

you're is less formal, in every English exam i have ever taken i have been told to avoid contractions as they are informal

posted 10 months ago

there is none, you are right, he is wrong. If anything 'you are' is technically better

posted 10 months ago

yeah, 'high elo' is such a useless term. Outside of pro play everything in this game is for fun or for enjoying the grind to a better elo.

That being said the only time strats etc matter is in full radiant lobbies, otherwise most top players can just outaim/outgamesense everyone.

posted 10 months ago

ngl i've found it too be the most interesting. it has been the most volitile region, no team seems to have found any real consistent form so every game feels like it could go either way (apart from KOI rip)

posted 10 months ago

bro its the internet, its never clear if its satire.
Nothing about your comment actually makes me think its satire

posted 10 months ago

lowkey kinda sad this is even worth commenting on, its just twitter banter, doubt boostio even remotely cares, he is probably just farming reactions

posted 10 months ago

the better twin stuff is 100% just banter between EMIL and his brother, i wouldn't try and read anything into that.

As for replacing him, honestly if they can mce then they should 100% get him otherwise idk if there are any good coaches i would replace him for. If possible i would actually just start the roster from the ground up unless they get some major results in the later half of the year.

posted 10 months ago

bro on fnatic he was bot fragging almost constantly towards the end. his skill is about the same as it use to be. He was only good because of his util, clutches and maybe coms

posted 10 months ago

I mean maybe, i kind of think they should go about it in the other direction, replace players first and then coach. But lets be honest nobody outside of TL can really comment on which should be replaced first, none of us really know how the coach/player dynamic at TL really works so we can't know which order is better

posted 10 months ago

yeah really loved watching karmine corp play at champs last year

posted 10 months ago

i mean, without replacing almost every player i doubt they can do any better than qualify. If they win a single match at champions with this team even if they replace EMIL i will be shocked.

Maybe EMIL is a problem I've not said he isn't I just think it's blatently clear they have bigger issues

posted 10 months ago

I mean without hearing Enzos coms it's hard to tell his impact, maybe he is the best igl the game has ever seen (doubt it but he's there for a reason i guess). But the team needs fresh talent

posted 10 months ago

nah, you clearly had your eyes closed in 2021, he was the most aggressive sentinel in the world but a large margin.
2022 they had mitigating circumstances so i can forgive the poor performance.
2023/24 he's not looked that amazing but the team doesn't play around him making space so he just looks like an average sentinel player but slightly more cracked. They should honestly start playing more like Loud does with Less. He's the only other players that i can remember playing viper that aggressively.

posted 10 months ago

you say no results but they qualified for champions every year with him, and they beat Fnatic. Thats probably whats keeping him there. I don't know that he's the issue tbh i think they just need newer talent.

posted 10 months ago

or another option start from scratch, get an IGL and 4 insane aimer rookies from tier 2. Every team thats suddenly had success has followed this formula, might as well give it a try for a year.

posted 10 months ago

I mean maybe he isn't the solution but I wouldn't call him the problem. Its kind of hard to tell what impact he has on the team. Honestly with Sayf they had some amazing peaks. When he joined Liquid he almost fixed that roster and got them to champions. I think he's probably a half decent coach with some mediocre tools. On paper getting 3 of the winning tier 2 team sounds good i just think in practise they lack fire power compared to the other EMEA teams.

Honestly the best fix i can think of is get 3 rookies that can just out aim everyone and either keep nAts and jamppi if they are happy IGLing or keep 1 and get an IGL.

posted 10 months ago

if you guys copy the link and use a link expander then you get a petition instead

posted 11 months ago

got EG wrong though

posted about a year ago

they guessed the rankings almost perfectly

posted about a year ago

Tbf I have the same sentiment but towards Americas so I respect your take

posted about a year ago

other teams improved and Fnatic played poorly. Very hard to tell how good(or bad) KC and TH are until we see Madrid

posted about a year ago

TH and KC look so good at the moment. Maybe if Fnatic was playing on a different day they might have looked better but i think if they faced TH instead they still would have lost.

posted about a year ago

first game i ever watched was Sentinels G2 at berlin, the next game was the Gambit G2 and the icebox 13-0. Made me fall in love with the Viper lurking playstyle.

posted about a year ago

Yeah Keiko played well, but you are understimating how impactful support players are just by using util

posted about a year ago

yeah, it does look like its just their logo on a blue background.

posted about a year ago

if you read my comment then you can clearly tell that I too have been disappointed, but its the first half of the first map

posted about a year ago

its the first half of the first map, stop judging the team off the first 12 round they played. If they lose the match then sure judge them all you want

posted about a year ago

that and they nerfed every other duelist

posted about a year ago

nah, bro was doing fine in NA, just threw some maps. Also he didn't play duelist on NRG. Now he is back on his comfort roles

posted about a year ago

pray for a close match, with lots of cool montage clip moments and then just enjoy thats how i treat most games unless its like Europe or a PRX game

posted about a year ago

hard to tell, they have had issue but we don't know if thats going to be consistent or just a day 1 thing

posted about a year ago

The thing is pro players clearly don't value chamber at the moment. It doesn't matter that he is good on Lotus if there are better picks and it seems that way based on recent tournament data. NA open Qualifiers he had at most a 15% pick rate and that was on bind. He only got played at champions by like 3 teams and half the games were on bind as well.

Maybe we will see him pick chamber up again on bind but for now pro players don't pick chamber on other maps.

posted about a year ago

it's not a chamber meta. He's only popular on certain maps atm. Also Yay was an incredible dualist before chamber was released. He use to be a jett player

posted about a year ago

haven is a weird map, its barely t sided anymore at least in pro play. was 50/50 at champs and was CT sided at tokyo. I think the small choke points actually make it CT sided when you have coordination and good info. So it should still be T sided in soloQ

posted about a year ago

it was T-sided at champions, masters tokyo, sao paulo, EMEA league, Americas league, EMEA LCQ, Americas LCQ, Pacific LCQ and china champions qualifer. The only major league i found below a 50% win rate was the main pacific league. So i think it always has been T sided.

kind of weird that lotus was the only CT sided map of pacific league but was t sided for every other event including pacific qualifiers.

posted about a year ago

he needs a lesson from Ange1

posted about a year ago
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