100t nismo, koalanoob, bcj/pancada, boostio, and Zander?
leave pancada alone bruh
Wouldn't Zander and Pancada role clash tho ? and we have already seen what happen when Pancada isn't on his role
They're good enough to flex unlike yay or asuna
No they're not. Maybe zander can flex. But pancada cant play anything other than controller.
K put bcj in
What the fuck is this monstrosity
It will work better than this current 100t roster.
Pancada isn't going to a foreign team ever again
Get rid of Pancada and get like Verno
Yeah or bcj
Nismo is cracked af but I can't see him being in franchising because of his age, teams would probably rather invest in young talent. Still I don't understand how he's so good for 30.
Nah nismo deserves a chance he's proven it on m80