I don't understand Americans and their delusional fantasy, calling this team superteam when they only have 1 player in top 20 best player in the world (demon1). Victor and crashies are mid af, there's a million more player better at flex and raze than victor. Crashies isn't even top 3 initiator in north america (com, verno, sacy clears). The only achievement these guys have is when yay carried the fuck out of them with chamber in 2022. They lost their most important and probably the best player in som and fns and this nrg fans still waffling like they top 3 in the world is disgusting. Ethan is not even that good on eg, his fragging and utilities are mid as best, the only value this guy brings is only in igling which is subpar compared to fns. And marved, this guy spent his majority of time in 2023 by duo ing with a2guapo and prod. Wake the fuck up