Constantly for the past 2 acts now I've been getting horrendous and I mean HORRENDOUS matchmaking. I've been going crazy on my rank up games multiple times, I've been getting ridiculous win streaks with constant high impact games, duo queuing, 5 stacking, I'm always playing well for the most part yet somehow my hidden elo is diamond 1 during my winstreaks getting close to ascendant 2. This was the same issue when I was on a win streak from ASC 1 to ASC 3 2 acts ago, I was 5 stacking in immortal lobbies yet everytime I solo queued I got diamond teams. (My trs score AVG was 780 during that week of play and I placed lowest 5th on the leaderboard on any given match)
Everytime I solo queue there are afks, ASSSSS PLAYERS, No commers, and it's consistent. If it isn't one it's the other.