Flag: United States
Registered: July 17, 2023
Last post: February 3, 2025 at 9:11 PM
Posts: 11

Looking to get a Nongshim noodle classic, how long do I have to wait? Or am I cooked?

posted 1 month ago

I believe Talon is gonna be top2/4 at masters/events this year. Primmie really is no joke.

FPX had horrible results at events but were playing the best teams. I feel that they gonna show up as well

As for winners of these events, I feel like it's going to be the likes of EDG/VIT/G2, but these certainly aren't dark horse picks.

posted 4 months ago

Maybe i wasnt clear. Woohoojin and other streamers tend to do coaching in a raffle style. Whether im a t3 supporter or a free raffler you tend to get put in a bin to have a chance. The more you pay the liklihood goes up, but still not a pay X, get Y type of model. Plus since hes quite popular, id assume getting a hold of him is a bit harder.

Id prefer to pay a coach to have an appointment based on their avaliability and could setup reoccuring sessions and know that im going to have a session versus having a shot at it. On metafy there are a ton of people with t1/t2 experience. But just was looking for a recommendation.

posted about a year ago

I appreciate the suggestion. I'd honestly prefer to pay someone a fixed rate that can work with my schedule (weekly, every 2 weeks, etc) versus entering raffles to possibly the most popular youtube 'coach'.

This may sound hella condescending but I've played with him many times in soloQ and feel that I'd be able to "buy-in" to what their suggestions are if they are a far better player than me. Not doubting his game knowledge, but as a player hes not much better than I, which I know will lead to an unprompted bias when hes giving me feedback.

posted about a year ago

Hey yall! I am a CS transplant and have around 600 hrs in Val. I'm looking to take the next step in my valorant 'career' and take the game a bit more seriously. Currently hover around imm2-imm3 for the past few episodes and know that there's a lot that I can improve on. My 'skill floor' has improved immensely from doing dedicated aim training (voltaic master) but know that theres a lot to learn within Valorant as I would like to start competing in the NA scene.

I'd appreciate recommendations for a coach, preferably someone with a high-level playing background. In the past, I've received coaching from individuals who haven't been active players since earlier episodes, leading to inaccuracies in ability timings and interactions. Any suggestions or referrals would be greatly appreciated!
I've watched a bit of youtubers but it tends to be for an audience that is more novice.

I appreciate it a lot! Thanks!

posted about a year ago

Ranking up is not immediate unless you are far outside of where your skill lies.

Intentionally throwing games obviously will put you behind your goal. If you are one to intentionally throw then it is clear your mental is weak and you get angry at teammates outside of this match alone. Remember yall are on the same team. Be nice, be supportive, and brush off rounds yall shouldve won. The far majority of people will not "step up" and play BETTER if they have a teammate angry in their ear, especially at the level in which you are at.

With almost 2k hours played and almost 100 games played this act alone, its clear you care about this game. Just sit back and honestly care less about the round-to-round micro'ing (even if it is frustrating at times) and be a bit more friendly. I promise you will win far more games. Still comm but be positive.

The amount of times ive won 3-11 or 4-12 comebacks for just being 'fake positive' by saying shit like "12 is all they get, lets get it boys" is laughable.

Im by no means a pro, but imm3 most episodes and this has carried me a ton.

posted about a year ago

Throw any t2 smokes player instead of Jakee and c9 will do 10x better

posted about a year ago

This is giving off what white ladies hang in their family kitchen energy.

posted about a year ago

Hey all,

I'm looking to get on a team and beef up my game knowledge more on the macro-game perspective of Val as well as some micro-game. Im a counterstrike transplant and currently Immortal 3 and find that most youtubers cater their videos and content for individuals who are not as familiar with the genre. Which makes complete sense as that demographic is way larger and can bring in more viewers.

Currently, for this I tend to just watch pro games and do VOD review and analysis myself, but would definitely benefit hearing perspectives from far more skilled players than myself.

Do you have any recommendations for content creators that may focus on this? I benefit from watching content from TMV, SIdeshow, FNS, Jollz, Woohoojin, but often, (most of) these creators have content that "scratches the surface". I'm even open to paid options on patreon etc.


posted about a year ago