one time i was shopping at the farmer’s market with my granddaughter to buy some peaches. we were enjoying our time together and i found a lot of luscious peaches and even some fresh carrots to go along with them. i put them in a bag and my granddaughter skipped after me to go check out. however, a mysterious figure appeared in the distance with a heavy jacket on. i was wondering, “why tf this guy dripped out in arctic wear in 70 degree weather?” all the sudden, he rips out 6 or 7 knives and starts throwing them at the cashiers and the customers. we all screamed in terror and started taking cover. i genuinely thought this was gonna be the end of my precious life. but all of a sudden, busting through the roof comes Andrej “BABYBAY” Francisty and he lands on the floor, shaking the peaches out of my bag. he scrambles all over the floor picking up the knives screeching “MY PRECIOUS” as he alternative fires, or right clicks, the knives on the robber and crawls away. it was then i came to learn the phrase “ez for animal babybay”