The opening match of Game Changers 2023: Sao Paulo saw G2 Gozen G2 Gozen Europe Rank #3 amy Amy Lai Vania Aleyna Keskin Nelo Mathilde Beltoise Petra Petra Stoker mimi Michaela Lintrup start their title defense with a sweep over Team Liquid Brazil Team Liquid Brazil Brazil Rank #5 Bizerra Vitoria Vieira Joojina Letícia Paiva isaa Isabeli Esser daiki Natalia Vilela bstrdd Paula Naguil that was closer than the scoreline indicated.

If there were any doubts about the new G2 Roster after the departure of Mary , they were quickly silenced with this opening match win.

G2 Gozen G2 Gozen look to defend their title. (Photo by Adela Sznajder/Riot Games)

While everyone on G2 had an outstanding series, it was once again the IGL mimi leading the way with a 1.48 rating and a 283 ACS.

The major international tournament debut of Sunset would not have to wait long, as G2 selected it as the first map.

Mimi had this to say about the new map,

“It's a new map for everyone, and every region plays it differently… but we've been working very hard to make it work.

Right away, we saw the new changes that G2 had planned for this tournament. Petra was on Raze, an agent that she has never played before according to Mimi,

“We had to change something up so no one knew what we were gonna do…Petra has never played duelist before, not even in ranked.”

After losing the pistol round and falling behind 2-0, G2 quickly regained form and tied the game at 3-4 behind a clutch from Mimi.

Mimi clutches on Map 1.

After an evenly matched first half, G2 ended up with a 7-5 lead as the sides switched. Up 12-8, TL won 4 straight rounds to send the game to overtime behind a strong performance from bstrdd .

Two straight rounds from G2, however, would give them the first map.

The veteran IGL Mimi led the way, with 28 kills and 14 assists on Skye.

TL were led by Bstrdd with 26 kills on Raze.

On Lotus, the map pick of Team Liquid, the first half once again started out promising. A back and forth start led to a 6-6 half as the sides once again switched.

The second half would not be close though, as TL would only manage to win one round on attack. Behind a final round ace from Mimi, G2 would win the map 13-7 behind her 19 kills.

Mimi aces in the final round.

Petra looked great on Raze, recording 19 kills herself, and sarah playing Viper would contribute 18 herself.

With this win, G2 Gozen becomes the first team to win a match at this tournament and advance into the winners bracket.

TL Brazil are not yet out of the tournament, and will play the elimination match on friday against the loser of the Evil Geniuses GC Evil Geniuses GC Inactive PowerPixele Nora Lorri Lorrian Elad StarBound theia Melisa Mundorff and Team SMG GC Team SMG GC Inactive enerii Odella Abraham Alexy Alexy Francisco shirazi Kelly Jaudian Kamiyu Camille Enriquez matchup. G2 moves to the next round tomorrow to face the winner of the same matchup.