In the Ascent map played by professionals, the agent selections are almost always the same, Sova Kay, Jett Omen and Killjoy. This is a choice exactly for the Ascent map, but I think some teams should try new things against this agent selection.
theres no counter comp for the standard comp, its who ever can find a comp that fits them and just outplays them,
Killjoy - Far surpoerior then every sent
Jett - awp heavy map and its hella needed and with chamber being way ass then KJ jett still the awp agent
Kayo - Stops Killjoy mollys and sova ult, + Molly to make space to stop entrys on defense and the best flashes for long distance and support
Sova - Stops KJ Ult and break KJ Util, Ult for post plant and stopping plant and wide open map for Recon and drone to clear
Omen - best smokes, one ways, recharge smokes, a blind and teleport no other smokes come close
PRX just is a team that wont be replicated but wont win in a 10 game series with that comp they run there comps only work for a few games because theres only so much you can do with
until they change the map or remove it that standard comp will forever be there the map is just stale and ass as fuck