you're underranked
i actually just hit immortal
ur going 40-24 with 66% winrate, play more and at this rate u gonna rank up
also if u want serious help, bring a vod. looking at your tracker is useless and honestly this post just looks like a lowkey flex
a vod would be more helpful than just meaningless stats on ur tracker
honestly just play consistently and you'll ball. now plz help me out
play more chamber ur aim is insane
Someone told me to go off chamber, will be switching back for my games today now :D
try shooting back??? like how can someone's adr and acs be that low?
I think that most situations I'm either too late to react or I just get surprised by where the enemy is. I'll think about preparing myself more for fights though, thank you :D
wtf never seen a bronze player with such a high hs%
mayb I just got to put more time into the game LOL its only abt my first month truly playing comp?
oh definitely you only have a little over 50 hours total lol you'll probably just naturally climb through low elo as you keep playing
keep it up though the hs% is insane and really impressive for a bronze
playing more