BLAST, in cooperation with Riot Games, have announced the second installment of Spike Nations, a three-day charity event featuring 12 teams from across EMEA. The event will see an impressive €60,000 donated to charity, with further funds to be raised throughout the tournament.
12 EMEA-based teams
€60,000 in play for charity
National pride on the line
Who's excited?!
More to come! Tournament news:…
Mirroring the first edition of Spike Nations, a combination of professional players, streamers and esports personalities will compete for national or regional pride from October 7-9. 12 teams will be split into three groups of four, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the knockout stage.
The following teams will compete in the event:
- Team United Kingdom
- Team France
- Team Spain
- Team Portugal
- Team Nordics
- Team Poland
- Team Turkey
- Team CIS
- Team Italy
- Team DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
- Team Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
- Team Eastern Europe
More details concerning the tournament format, rosters, and how the €60,000 in funds will be donated is set to be released in the coming weeks.