Okay... what is this? https://twitter.com/ValorLeaks/status/1709341617541308722?t=Ly4ngDu3Q-pVRJX0SFDDpg&s=19
Omen 2?
wraith portal from apex
I can sense another dogshit agent
Oh yaaaay... another tp agent...
You can set it anywhere and tp to there. Once you tp, everyone who looking at it will get blinded
maybe something like portal? where u can set tps on the map? sounds op as hell
Anyone knows when release? Is it next act or next next act?
dogshit agent #3 in a row
Probably like a portable bind tp. It would be just another yoru if it was a solo tp
I think the agent would be an upgraded version of yoru. Plys he was named bulletproof, right. Maybe you can’t break the tp or after he tp’d he’d be bulletproof for a split second