Do I have to pull off a hanafuji? Man I miss him.
Flag: | International |
Registered: | April 15, 2023 |
Last post: | February 21, 2024 at 4:46 PM |
Posts: | 2106 |
Do I have to pull off a hanafuji? Man I miss him.
People shared it on twitter you can check it out
Nah man! The only thing you need to take care about is your desperation, you need to go outside🗿. I remember your mimi is hiding the cake post
Is there any way to delete vlr account or I just Log out or forget aboit it?
Or maybe say someone so so terribly racial and political that can get be permanent banned💀🗿
What will you do if the Head Coach gets its friends instead of competent players and one of the players Russ gets his friend edger the sports psychologist for the team in the same team where they both used to play in Guild. And guild got hammered so bad that they disbanded.
What do you think happens to the same that has this kind of a structure
I forgot who the coach was
I’m not an indo. But I will say this RRQ needs to get a better scouting coach. First they missed out on Monyet and picked Ejay and then they missed out Blazeking and picked estrella.
Blazeking is a talented individual and he’d be wasting his talents on GE and Coach Sp0n wouldn’t be able to utilize him properly. Get your management to hire blaze. He is an insane individual
Let’s be honest here! If it wasn’t rossi smurfing for 2 years in the vcl sa, they would have lost to VLT or enigma years ago even in the VCL sa scene
You’d be crazy to think they would win. Almost everyone even in International scene is Trolling Spin for his comps. Like why tf? Would you run a single controller on bind and even no Kj or viper on lotus
I feel like Tanishq was infact in talks with GE. But Sp0n somehow said something to Rushindra and He was dropped
They fired rossi after a months practice for lcq and if they keep this fraud polvi after having a practice of 4 months for next season I will fucking spam that bot Sp0n
If polvi gets one more chance cause he is sp0n’s friend as against to rossi who was fired because of inconsistency. I’m gonna FUCKING RIOT. They fired rossi after a months practice and if they keep this fraud polvi after having a practice of 4 months for next season I will fucking spam that bot Sp0n
Let’s see if Sp0n fires he boy polvi cause he couldn’t perform. Cause that guy fired Rossi in an instant saying he couldn’t perform. And if that guy says it’s Polvi’s first tournament. It was rossi’s as well.
Kick Polvi and Russ.
Don’t buy their skins bro don’t waste your money on a team that doesn’t want your support.
Forget Bind! Who in their right mind doesn’t play viper and kj on Lotus🤡🤡🤡🤡. Like viper ults and kj utils can literally save you so many rounds
Before you go buying GE’s gun skins in the future. Remember what their owner said: He doesn’t want our support.
So I’ll ask you guys to not spend your hard earned money or your parents hard earned money on a management that doesn’t your support. Pleasee don’t
Called it! But people flamed me after bl00d match, even though how bad these both teams played
He farmed one match against a below average bleed like Skrossi did with Dfm. Made coach sp0n looked good and now Ge will suffer split 2 as well cause of that win and their over confidence and ego that they beat bleed🤣
We called it king seconds after bleed just the shit and lost the match
I know zeta threw so many rounds on Bind, like that map could’ve been 13-4 13-3
They got aim diffed🤣🤣
Why would you pick a map where you lost? Do you have that much ego in yourself when you’re just a pathetic coach.
Also Lotus, every team is playing viper and kj on it. Why do you think you can’t, is beyond my comprehension.
Polvi died first everytime he ops
Sp0n imports player polvi in on 6 kills as a duelist on map 2🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I called it these mfs would crack against a structured team cause sp0n doesn’t know how to counter that. He isn’t a tier 1 coach. But no just because he won
against shitty bl00d people starting apologizing to him
Also don’t ever doubt me when I say he is a fraud.
Nah bro it’s aim diff as well🤣🤣.
Polvi died first everytime he ops
Sp0n imports player polvi in on 6 kills as a duelist on map 2🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I called it these mfs would crack against a structured team cause sp0n doesn’t know how to counter that. He isn’t a tier 1 coach. But no just because he won against shitty bl00d people starting apologizing to him
People flamed me for when Ge won saying sp0n knows everything. Just because that mf won with underperforming bleed. But the problem is because of that win, GE will suffer in split 2 as well.
Like I said bro they won against below average bleed and now thinks they have a chance in split 2. Tgey needed to be the first one to get eliminated but fuck yay. Deadass weight to the team. Doesn’t know how to shoot.
The problem is you guys forgot what kind of a fraud sp0n was just because they won against a below average bleed. You started hyping the team up. Any with a little sense of valorant know both the teams played shit on bleed vs Ge. You started hyping them up when I knew these comps are shit and they wouldn’t win against a structured and disciplined team.
This is what a structured team will do to GE. Look at zeta in map 2. Sp0n is a fraud but somehow you people forgot that after bleed’s game thinking it was him who coached the team beautifully.
Look at Ge’s comp in map 2 as well. What kind of a coach wouldn’t include a viper or a kj in that map. Since both of these agents creates space and can win rounds. Teams are literally playing double controller on Lotus but not Ge. It’s high time you held the coach responsible. But forget you guys won’t. Cause he won a game against a below average bleed. Also what kind of a coach wouldn’t ban Bind, seeing how they lost it with single controller and you need double controller on it.
That’s cause unlike sp0n, this is what I map someone has prepared for looks like. This is zeta’s map pick and you can see the coordinates strats and even comps.
Who tf plays single controller no kj on lotus🤣🤣🤣
Like these two creates so kuch space for the team
No player is on double digit kills🤣🤣🤣. After 13 rounds
Polvi 2 kills the FINNISH GOD
Coach Sp0n is an arrogant aashole what donyou expect from him, he thinks very highly of him. Aby competent coach would’ve banned it, seeing how single controller doesn’t work and picked another map
Actually kj’s ultil creates so kuch space,
Sp0n is a fraud, like I said he doesn’t know how to create comps, but no they won against a below average bleed and everyone started apologizing to that fraud
Bro who doesn’t play viper on Lotus? Also single controller again?
A competent coach would’ve instantly vetoed it seeing as how a single controller can’t win you a match
Cause they beat a below average bleed and they thought they are a better team
Both of these teams are so terrible. I’m not even joking. Call me a hater or anything. But After watching vct americas, my brain hurts watching these games. The executions i have seen, the calls I have seen. Both of them don’t deserve Madrid
Ge bans bind
Zeta bans sunset
Ge chooses either split or icebox
Zeta would choose the above two as well
Ge bans breeze
Zeta i think will ban lotus since they lost dominantly from T1
I see them playing ascent as the final map.
Final maps Split Icebox Ascent
Why do I feel like he has gotten more freedom to frag under kinggg? I mean he was a beast but i feel we are seeing a different aspas
Fuck no! Atleast cned knew how to shoot back unlikr yay🗿
Fun fact: Cned got 12 more kills in 2 maps than Yay did in 3 maps🤭
It’s okay number 2 cned fan. Sometimes it’s just not your team’s day!
I am more excited to see enghhh bro. Kc gave him full authority on who to pick and seeing his record on the quality if players he can pick. I trust him