After they fix any bugs or whatever on Fracture, I really hope they focus on fixing the existing maps more than working on a new map. On Icebox, they need to add some things to B site so that attackers can actually play post plants on the site instead of backing up to yellow and main every round and on Split idk what they can do but they should also make some changes to make it more attacker favored. However, I Ascent and Haven definitely don't need to be changed and Breeze and Bind don't really either. In fact, Bind is one of the most interesting maps to watch since so many pro teams play so many different comps(like ForZe running Yoru, VS running jett, raze, breach and skye and so on). However, Breeze can get really frustrating since you really need a viper to win rounds on attack but idk how they could fix that.