He is still good, but I see that he is still considered as one of the greatest in the world, when FOR ME he is not even top3 sentinels in emea
when people leave out nAts from any top, people are shocked and i don't understand why, i feel that being a very loved player because of his personality makes them overvalue him a little bit.
His style of play is still the same as in 2021 we have seen almost no evolution and his aim is still sometimes a little mediocre (may be because of the excessive use of the phantom), that's why if he does not improve his aim or evolve his style of play, siempre seguira por debajo de suygetsu y alfajer. I even think that even cender today is better than nAts, just that vitality didn't get very far and we couldn't see more of his game, tell me for you which is that player that is super glorified, but for you is overrated?