Flag: United States
Registered: March 20, 2022
Last post: April 8, 2024 at 5:12 PM
Posts: 28

So weak

posted about a year ago

The most overrated player in the history of the NA, with the imminent failure of 100th this should be the last year of asuna in tier1, if it wasn't because 100th decided to keep him in the roster he wouldn't be in any other team.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Today all fo you guys will se how the goat destroy nrg and lemon1

posted about a year ago

Every turkish team

posted about a year ago

100 MID 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

L bait

posted about a year ago

MIBR: the worst brazilian team that I´ve ever seen ❌
Furia: one team player1️⃣
Loud: washed team, this year they won't win anything👎
Kru: a little bit better, but not enough, maybe not 0-9 but 1-8
100 thieves: Frauds 🤣
Eg: who cares🤣
clowns 9: I mean, they should be called mid9
G2: the same case, they should be called mid2
Sentinels: overrated team, maybe a top4 in americas
nrg: goats, the only good team in the region.
Leviathan: they hate each other and c0m is a downgrade

Where is the hype? like optic in 2022 americas will be a one team region carried by nrg

NA frauds🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Team disappointment:
Surprise team:
Improved Team:
Team of the Year :

Disappointed Player:
Revelation player :
Promising player:
Player of the Year:

Top 5 2023 players:

Let me know your 2023 recap👀

posted about a year ago

I know why leviatan is spelled with L

L org
L team
L decision
L mazino
L kingg
L ceo
W Aspas the goat 🐐
L Tex
c0m is washed, nzr better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nAts is the most overrated player by far

posted about a year ago

much aim, little brain

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Mortadelo has no opinion of his own, he just repeats what lucas rojo says in his streams XD, I've already seen how he acts.

posted about a year ago

literally no one in liquid wanted to play with him and at the end of m3c redgar had problems with engh, in fact it was said that engh was a bit toxic with redgar but it was just that his gameplay was bad, that's why the igl of m3c in the lcq was sheydos remember that redgar was almost kicked out of gmb for not going to the rekiavik master, well actually he was given a warning, and after a disastrous year in liquid he was kicked out of the team, tell me if he is really someone you can trust, I want to repeat that he is good but just that "good" not someone at all top.

posted about a year ago

Nivera is a better option, BOTgard is finished, and doesnt desverve still playing in vct imo, I mean he´s good, but for two years his performance has been dismal, both in terms of his leadership game and individually

posted about a year ago

Redgar( so far)
Liquid plans to include two members of the apeks roster, if redgar does not continue (I hope so) Enzo would be a great candidate, since liquid wants to sign the core of the team that was runner-up in the ascension emea tournament.
The turkish tier two players like Burzzy are not performing very well in pracs, that's why liquid wants to go for established players, to be honest I dont know what to think about this desicion.

posted about a year ago

He is still good, but I see that he is still considered as one of the greatest in the world, when FOR ME he is not even top3 sentinels in emea
when people leave out nAts from any top, people are shocked and i don't understand why, i feel that being a very loved player because of his personality makes them overvalue him a little bit.
His style of play is still the same as in 2021 we have seen almost no evolution and his aim is still sometimes a little mediocre (may be because of the excessive use of the phantom), that's why if he does not improve his aim or evolve his style of play, siempre seguira por debajo de suygetsu y alfajer. I even think that even cender today is better than nAts, just that vitality didn't get very far and we couldn't see more of his game, tell me for you which is that player that is super glorified, but for you is overrated?

posted about a year ago

Where do you think Redgar will end up? I hope he is not in liquid or in any t1 team, he should learn from the best igls and then come back.

posted about a year ago

Ibai gordito malo

posted about a year ago

Sentinels-C9 Kappa

posted about 2 years ago

G2 Tenz siuu

posted about 2 years ago