Dom "soulcas" Sulcas is no longer a part of Team Liquid Team Liquid Europe Rank #27 paTiTek Patryk Fabrowski kamyk Maks Rychlewski nAts Ayaz Akhmetshin Keiko Georgio Sanassy kamo Kamil Frąckowiak , he announced on X. He was the only member part of the original fish123 fish123 Inactive Kryptix James Affleck ScreaM Adil Benrlitom L1NK Travis Mendoza ec1s Adam Eccles soulcas Dom Sulcas that joined the organization in August 2020.

soulcas joined what would later become Team Liquid in April 2020, when the team was roaring through amateur and invitational tournaments in Europe under the fish123 banner. The roster signed with Liquid in August of that year and, while the rest of their 2020 run never saw the team lift a trophy, they went on to become a world-class roster.

In the next three years, Team Liquid attended all but two international VCT LANs — the team had lackluster performances midway through 2021 and 2022 that saw them miss Masters Berlin and Masters Copenhagen — and solidified their name as one of the best in the region. soulcas was at the forefront of the team's run, playing as a flex to his team's needs and going from one of the most criticized players on the roster to one of its strongest pillars.

Team Liquid re-signed soulcas in late 2022, when it underwent its rebuild for the 2023 VCT EMEA. The roster didn't get off to a hot start — Liquid's first result was a top 32 at LOCK//IN — but they kept a consistent form throughout VCT EMEA that led them to become EMEA champions in the debut year of the partnered era. That was the highlight of Liquid's year, as the team was unable to put together deep runs at Masters Tokyo and Champions.

This is not the only change expected to come to Team Liquid in the next few weeks. According to Alejandro Gomis of BLIX.GG, star duelist Saif "Sayf" Jibraeel has already reached a verbal agreement to join Team Vitality Team Vitality Europe Rank #5 trexx Nikita Cherednichenko Derke Nikita Sirmitev Kicks Kimmie Laasner Sayf Saif Jibraeel Less Felipe de Loyola Basso for 2024.

For now, Team Liquid Team Liquid Europe Rank #27 paTiTek Patryk Fabrowski kamyk Maks Rychlewski nAts Ayaz Akhmetshin Keiko Georgio Sanassy kamo Kamil Frąckowiak are:

  • Nico "Harmii" Harms (Substitute)
  • Emil "eMIL" Sandgren (Head coach)
  • Jake "Bacon9" Lloyd (Analyst)