what is this mistic hate?
he was fnatic's second best player until in 2022 when he had to switch roles mid season into initiator
he left fnatic at the peak of his career (was farming at champions 22) only because chronicle and leo were free agents. we arent liquid who will keep soulcas for just being a very good teammate
and he was top 3 players basically the entire year for emea tier 2.
+ top 3 in ascension (basically 2nd if we count 100+ rounds) - 1.19 225.6
+ top 3 in split 2 - 1.22 217.1
+ 1st in split 1 - 1.21 224.0
people just flaming any team being associated with him for the pure reason that they themselves dont know anything about his actual game and form. like its somehow cool to call him trash for basically no reason other than showing how little you know about valorant esports