so what needs to happen to make mini stay?
- we need a new head coach whose vision for the game and style of play matches the current FNATIC roster
- the head coach needs to know what support staff he needs. (he needs analyst or assistant coach etc, remember we are fnc, not sen. we dont have infinite SEN society money to burn)
- he needs to choose slk(curr fnc assistant coach), mini or someone else, probably someone who he has personally worked with before?
- manager cojo, we still have him. there is almost no chance we remove mini if he wants to stay in fnc as an assis. coach.
- we just dont need a shitshow where boaster wants to keep mini, but the new coach wants to bring his own lil bro. we dont need to replicate what happened with KC or SEN last year.
(PS: just get mce innit?)