Yeah nice… renew jamppi contract, don’t replace redgar (his igl clearly not working at all in 2023) and instead lets kick out our best performing player, star duelist!
No wonder sayf left, good for him.
redgar igl might be impacted due to sayf cooking. sometimes when your teammates dont have 100% trust in your igl, then the igl's impact, calls, fragging, everything falls off. i can easily see redgar improving a lot since sayf wont be here.
sayf clearly didnt have enough respect/ belief in redgars igling
Obviousy it's it's never going to be easy IGLing in a second language, but the guy is more eloquent than half of the guys I went to school with imo. You can see him here next to sheydos about 3 months ago (who was always the one with the worst english of that old gambit core).
i agree with jampii shouldnt stayed . but imo we should give redgar some slacks he played under really weak structure , and with overrated players. change tl coaching staff , they didnt do anything in 1.5 years now, get sliggy back and sign a contract with scream that says if u even dare do anything but shooting you're out + trexx,sheydos or cloud(hard one gia isnt letting him go but he's the goat) and then u will see a team that not necessarily winning throphies right away but a good foundation for one.