the only people calling it an era were 1head sentinels fans who aren't even invested in the scene...
so the NA era isn't over, it never started the CIS era hasn't started, there have been 2 international events.
stop posting cringe
I agree lmao, the EU vs NA hate train thing is so weird to me lul
It's mostly kids from irrelevant no scene countries that hate on CIS and NA.
Cis era lmfao its EU you dumbass
Russia covers 40% of EU All players are from EU part of Russia Moscow and one is on the border so dont be dumb
Best take, based as usual hiyo.
This is cringe is the only thing posted here lmao
so true the 1head sen fans always spammed EU quiet when they won games as soon as they lost i have never someone seen more quiet disappeared from the scene they are not watching this tournament as they trauma of seeing envy