Up vote this thread if you think Leo Faria should be fired.
The NFL is owned by a series of individual franchise owners
At the corporate level, the National Football League considers itself a trade association made up of and financed by its 32 member teams.
24/32 Owners would have to agree to fire Roger Goodall, whereas at riot it takes Nicolo Laurent's command.
Do research before you come at to someone.
That's irrelevant. Why would he be fired for doing his job?
My point is that Roger Goodell and Leo Faria serve the same purpose as "commissioner" of their respective leagues. The NFL is owned by their member teams, and the commissioner serves their interests. The VCT is owned in whole by Riot, and the commissioner serves their interests. They're being paid for a reason.
Do you actually think Leo has significant autonomy in how the VCT is being organized, when it mirrors so closely the systems Riot have put in place for League? He's made it clear that Riot view the VCT as the only professional league in Valorant, and this recent announcement makes it very clear that the VCT serves as a vehicle for Riot to maintain business relations with partnered/ascended organizations, not just as a league for players to compete professionally. Out of everyone, this decision benefits Riot the most, and that is its exact purpose.
wait I’m really curious why do you think it was entirely done by Leo?
are you 11? do you not realize that Leo Faria is literally just 1 person and he has to go through tons of management to even come to a decision?
do you really think Riot Games, a multimillion dollar company’s esports decisions are made by 1 SINGULAR PERSON?