Is she not allowed at champs? Not enough time for teams to make comps? Or just not a good enough agent to merit play currently?
I see her as the Neon of sentinels. When teams do play her in the future, everyhing has to revolve around her with her team supporting her or else only the stall factor of her kit would be utilized, not the trap/lethal factor. Strict coordination is needed for an agent like her to work. Deadlock's strength is also her biggest weakness, which is functioning as a team agent: her gravnet comboes well with every other mollies/grenades in the game, but on it's own it has minimal impact. The same is with her sonic sensors, which should be paired with other sentinel utility to fortify defenses. Her barrier is by far the only consistent and least situational part of her kit, which is why pro teams won't pick her until they establish a strict set play for her.