warm up for VALO games?
So right after I wake up, I go to bathroom, I eat a very healthy breakfast, like beans on bread or something. That helps my mind to be fresh for radiant level gamesense. After I eat my breakfast, I make a light coffee that doesnr have that much caffein, light stuff like latte. Then I swipe some boys on tinder, now I am energetic but I also have to be motivated both physically and mentally, so I do light to moderate workout without putting my muscles on too much stress. After I do all these things, I can finally leave the bathroom. Now I have a cold shower while singing loudly in pain. Now I am energetic and motivated, I only need 1 more thing. Then I open my computer, and as the final stage of my warmup, I watch boostio and demon 1 to fulfill myself with rage and hate so I can be ready to deal with EU and TR players. Then I queue
range until i get 24 hard bots, if I can do it twice in a row then 1 deathmatch where i focus only on shoulder peeking as efficiently as possible and not overpeeking
if my aim feels like im relying too much on spray adjustment then i try to get 18 hard with sheriff and slow down my flicks
important to make sure im not flicking purely with my wrist and I take long flicks slower with my arm