Everyone in EMEA coming out as a snusser why
EU isnt addicted to a fake drug like copium, rather, they prefer real drug addictions like Nicotine! :DDD
Ange1 rhyme and sayf from what I just read on vlr
hoody too
Most northern european use snus
as a wise man once said, you snus you lose
navi fix:
-ange1 +forsen
oh noooo without my drugs i cantttttttttt i cant play a valorant series without my nicotine 😫😫😫😫😫😫 i need my tobacco 😫😫😫 why wont they let me hit my vape on stage 😫😫😫😫 ugh!!!!! like 2hrs without a fucking sack of nicotine in my lip.... so hard!!! cant play a game without it ™℠®©
😠😠😠 plagiarism
just added my own trademark so it is mine now. any response to this message and my lawyers will get involved.
that was ange1's dm's with his local snus provider 💀
Is it just EU vape?
smokeless basically just a sack of tobacco you shove into the gap between your teeth and your lip
Sounds like just chewing tobacco from back in the day