I think they should have never subbed out Zest for Foxy9.
It should have been Buzz from the start. Hot take?
Foxy9 was mainly a better Jett player than Buzz. for awhile Buzz had consistancy issues on Jett, and was struggling. This is what led to role swaps with buzz going on KJ for a bit, or smokers, etc. That's when they had RB take over the aggressive role for awhile.
I do agree with Buzz's performances not looking spectacular, however it's better to have 5 people being comfortable and playing consistent, than having them all play disorganised.
zest has stepped up alot and drx seems way more proactive, that was basically the only difference with foxy9 and zest. when foxy played they were more aggressive and proactive. but now looking at champions they are being way more active without foxy so i dont see a reason to implement foxy as buzz's rifling has a way higher peak than foxy