OREsports: -chrisyong(Assistant Coach) TSM: Team's inactive G2: Team's inactive FAZE CLAN: Team's inactive MXM: everyone looking options TROPICAOS: Team's inactive FURIOUS GAMING: Team's inactive 19ESPORTS: Team's inactive
Nice, hate to see it
according to scrims:
OREsports: active FAZE: active (without babybay) MXM: active (F/A)
Wait so dsg gc coach was the assistant on oresports? That's cool
common OR W
we will win next year by process of elimination
riot gonna kill the games comp scene if they dont start talking about off season stuff for t2 soon
t2 scene is actually gonna die what a shit format hopefully the revised version is better
Shopify release bdog, vanity and twdagg
literalmente ahi dice Julio y tu me hablas de cosas de JUNIO