Turtle Troops hot take

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They would've been a top tier contender for Ascension if they had an org behind them.

Does everyone remember BreakThru? That teams was one of the 3 orgless squads, and they were straight dogshit. Nobody believed in them; hell, even DSG looked stronger back then.

Then, breakthru got picked up by Moist and while they struggled at first, their growth by the end of the split was fucking unreal.

Having an org to provide financial backing plus a coach with support staff is a lot more important than it seems. Remember all those close games between TGRD, Moist, OXG, and M80 between them and Turtle Troops.

This team could've and could still be great if they get picked up.


They're still p salty that xqc didn't pick them up

Idk if anyone else is gonna pick them up especially when there r better rosters available


All that being said, still a massive risk to take on THAT much of an investment in a tier 2 team. I mean just look at how Disguised turned out, it will be the reason that a lot of these org-less teams will get a chance granted to them because if it backfires it backfires so hard. You could even make an argument a team like Bonkers should be given a chance because they at least made it to Ascension and even made it to the playoff stage in that event.

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