GO (Americas edition)
Despite the usual apathy aroused by your nonsense, a unanimous question persists: what is the nature of your sustenance OP?
No one here has ever heard of the presence of your entity.
Nor would it be slanderous to allege your contagious discomfort.
For this last act of reprimand, I order you to be evicted as soon as possible.
Interesting, goy, but from which generation of Adam exactly do you claim to be?
No Tannaim mentions your existence in the post-Babylonian corpus.
Is the dark purpose of your preaching to sow discord among the children of Canaan?
The troubles caused by your proselytism compel me to demand your exodus from the walls of Jerusalem.
Shalom to you and your diaspora, in spite of.
BR shuffle
SEN -pancada -sacy +eeiu +johnqt
LOUD -aspas -tuyz, saadhaak rebuild with less and young players (askia for example)
furia: sacy, pancada, aspas, mwzera and xand
EG(idk, get rid of 10 man roster. all been looking good, idk.)
NRG(-ardiis +yay, possible -victor +nismo)
100T- rebuild around cryo, keep bang. kick everyone else.