They were saying m80 are better than most franchised teams 😭😭😭😭😭
the thing is your taught only franchise teams are T1 which is so dumb cause its not true. Legit you can have an awful team go franchise because of their money. Ascension teams are not T2, some are, but some arent. Like guard beat sen when they first when franchise. I can say Sen with dephh and c9 with vanity were worse than most ascension teams.
TGRD is better than 100T and SEN, and with time could easily qualify for international LANs next year, and with their newfound LAN experience i think m80 SMOKES the rest of challengers next year (if they keep the roster which they probably won’t cuz Nismo,koala,zander,eeiu, and even john will all probably end up in franchising)