Alright, I've been meaning to share this for a while now since it's getting crazy.
I know VLR has a reputation of being racist, homophobic, sexist, etc etc... I'm here to tell you that, if you are someone who uses VLR often, you'll KNOW that the ones posting those type of things are often NEW users, thinking this is the wild west.
People who use the site often are actually quite decent and it makes the site entertaining, but don't make the mistake to think you can just post any stupid shit that crosses your mind and be welcomed here. What you hear about these forums on Twitter or pro streams isn't 100% the truth, stop making VLR's reputation worse.
VLR has a shit reputation, but this doesn't mean you can start an account and start posting the most stupid shit ever, you WILL get banned.
TL:DR - New users make this site's reputation worse, you're all welcome to join, just don't be an idiot.