That last round is literally the epitome of how cringe EU plays LMAO
(edit, all the mad EU kids are the same people that would cry about Yay farming their dogass teams for a year and calling NA cringe for "op crutching" LOLOLOLOL)
Let NA play their own style, I'm sure they've had a lot of success in tac fps with it
I wouldn't call braindead smoke spamming a "style" personally but that's just me
im being sarcastic kkkkkkkk NA spray and pray "style" kkkkkkkkkkkkk
eu playstyle is winning the match
Not like NA doesn't have access to odin?
where is the shame?
they say boring. losing is boring lmao
win = cringe kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk NAtards
Optic flair lel
boring af smoke spams, they are doomed at champions with the ammo nerf
Reminds me of my bronze (I am still bronze) lobbies with that odin spam
this gold1 trash cant counter the odin with his aim so hes crying
I havent played ranked in a year and a half and my hidden MMR is prolly still higher than your rank LMAO