Better Entry = Sayf Better opper = Zmjkk Better rifler = Sayf Better gamesense = Sayf Better positioning= Sayf Better hair = Sayf
zip up when u are done
Why not just zip down and get on with it!
Better showman= GoatKang
plot armor = zmjkk
Better Entry = Zmjkk Better opper = Zmjkk Better rifler = Smoggy -_- Better gamesense = Zmjkk Better positioning= Zmjkk Better hair = Sayf
That Smoggy point is valid
Best dickriders = Sayf
unironically the best dickriding is for zmjkk, 1 game andy, suddenly people saying they breeze our liquid
sry yawnster but zmjjkk is possessed by the devil himself this tournament. even though sayf is the most intelligent duelist in the world, he's no match for an egotistical aim god on a honeymoon period
kumkum is only good at opping. derke, sayf, aspas, qw1, demon1 all clear him on everything else
Keep glazing while u can, sayf is joining an NA team next year
Classic na strat 🤬🤬🤬
Better mandarin=kk, better emotes=kk, others sayf >>>>
Expecting both to trash talk each other on stage
Bro is comparing zmjkk with sayf, zmjkk is to sayf as 'Adibas' is to 'Adidas'.
Raycheoh 🤓