After failing to secure a spot in 2024's NA VCL, MAD Lions MAD Lions Inactive BlackHeart Hasan Hammad bjor Joseph Bjorklund N4RRATE Marshall Massey Ange Adam Milian Trick Justin Sears have announced that they have released all players and staff.
Photo Credit: MAD Lions/Twitter
The former core of Dark Ratio Dark Ratio Inactive Ange Adam Milian Trick Justin Sears ZexRow Anthony Colandro Drone Taylor Johnson Will William Cheng struggled initially in their Split 1 of the 2023 NA VCL, picking up a single win against OREsports OREsports Inactive nillyaz Chase Linder Paincakes Jake Hass and failing to qualify for the Mid-Season Face Off despite swapping out William "Will" Cheng for Marshall "N4RRATE" Massey. Following their underwhelming finish, MAD dropped Taylor "Drone" Johnson and Anthony "ZexRow" Colandro in an attempt to rebuild around Justin "Trick" Sears and Adam "Ange" Milian.
Despite picking up Joseph "bjor" Bjorklund and Hasan "BlackHeart" Hammad, MAD were unable to best their previous Split 1 performance as they yet again picked up a single win in Split 2, this time against G2 Esports G2 Esports North America Rank #2 jawgemo Alexander Mor trent Trent Cairns valyn Jacob Batio JonahP Jonah Pulice leaf Nathan Orf . Sitting at the bottom of the circuit alongside Disguised Disguised Inactive steel Joshua Nissan Genghsta Amgalan Nemekhbayar clear Joseph Allen Exalt Drake Branly nerve Michael Yerrow yay Jaccob Whiteaker with a measly seven points, MAD failed to qualify for playoffs and were sent to Play-In Relegation.
Only needing two wins to retain their slot in the VCL next year, MAD struggled against Turtle Troop Turtle Troop North America Rank #7 wedid Matthew Suchan jowa bdog Brandon Sanders Kaoticcc and were sent to an elimination match against Disguised in just two quick maps. While the Lions triumphed over their adversaries without much resistance, they were only able to take one map off of ORE before falling, effectively barricading them from a ticket to the next NA VCL.
Now free agents, the players and staff of MAD Lions MAD Lions Inactive BlackHeart Hasan Hammad bjor Joseph Bjorklund N4RRATE Marshall Massey Ange Adam Milian Trick Justin Sears were:
- Justin "Trick" Sears
- Hasan "BlackHeart" Hammad
- Joseph "bjor" Bjorklund
- Marshall "N4RRATE" Massey
- Adam "Ange" Milian
- Ryou "MoonChopper" Nishiyama (Head coach)
- Zach "Eley" Stauffer (Coach)