Do you guys think it's okay that most of the rosters in India VCL have imports in it? I thought with the huge prizepool there would be a lot of indian players interested in it (I guess it makes the imports interested in it too) this shit has become Japan 2.0 but instead of Koreans, it's Pinoys lmao
Also I swear a few months ago I've heard that there's gonna be a lot of hype for the VCLs from famous orgs in india coming into the league (I heard like some PUBGM orgs and like Cricket sports team looking to have an org in the tourney) what happened to that? the viewership have been subpar compared to the rest of the VCLs in Pacific
And lastly, with the rumored showmatches with SKRossi, is SKRossi really that famous in the scene? is that's the reason why the viewership has been very low so far? I thought he's hated by Indians now on Twitter