Saadhak told on br cast stream they inspired their Fracture on
GenG!! Its awsome to see a team from another internacional league being aware on diff kindas of metas!
Hope loud made u guys proud!
pretty cool
Extremely common everyday Saadhak AKA Chadhak W
saadhak too good, i hear rumor he's going to retire tho, true?
love LOUD
How deep is that jock
elmapuddy the goat
love loud
That’s like how FaZe karrigan took strats from EG in csgo 💀💀 bro is stealing from trash
what the fuck did you lose a bet
why do you have m80 flair
GENG actually pushed Loud to ot when they played the raze neon comp with no sentinel they played a similar comp but played viper instead of raze and omen instead of brim.
Indonesians out of nowhere: “fliPzJdEr, fAm0uZ, m0nYeT, RRQ sUpErTeAm”