pls stop comparing csgo to valorant and csgo players to valo players
It is a never ending debate and let both games co exist peacefully
Counter-strike was the best game ever made. But with time it just feels boring, same maps, same games, everything the fucking same for 20 years, it didn't evolve with time, it didn't adapt to today's reality. Valorant is like the 2020 CS, it's more lively, more fun, the matches are more unique, and it's in constant change, the devs actually care about the game, and Riot updates it very often. There's no way CS today is the better game. I'm grateful for CS to have existed, but it's not better than Val in 2021.
I know valve doesnt care, but for me is the best game.
I have a question for you guys, imagine if Valorant wasnt made by riot, game would be already dead, pros just switch to valorant because riot is behind not for the game actually, so many cs pros who switched to val said that cs is much better as a game.