God Tier(undisputed top 3)
- Sayf (I know hot take but given the cards he's been dealt no one has played above their team more than he has, I'm completely down to debate abt this and I don't mind having the other two over him but he has been the reason for TL's success so far.)
- derke
- aspas
Next Best Tier( Jett gods with another agent they are good but not quite top 3 level at) - cNed
- leaf
All Around (Plays both Jett and Raze well) - qw1
- Foxy9
Jett Tier (Pretty much Jett one tricks but very good at it) - QutionerX
- something
- ardiis(remember specifically on Jett)
H.M because they haven't fully been on duelist but have had flashes
BuZz, Victor, Suggest
Definitely some hot takes on here but the way I see it, only about 7 players ITW are playing both Jett and Raze at a high level(for leaf Neon and cNed Yoru) consistently so for the last 3 spots I feel like it's fair to just pick the next 3 best Jetts from overall form and Qutioner has been great on Jett and the best on BBL for a while, something is showing how good he can be but he's really just a one trick atm, and for all of the hate Ardiis gets on specifically Jett he is top 10 ITW on the agent no competition, and because it's the best character rn that makes me sneak him in. Sayf one may upset people and I don't think its the consensus but I truly believe no duelist is playing the role better atm, though Derke and Aspas are obviously unbelievable performers. Last thought, but IMO if my HM players were full time duelists they would be some of the best in the world, they just are pushed to different roles for the good of the team or, in suggests case, just now got a chance to start playing duelist.
Overall Regional Rankings:
EU: 5/10 (6 if you count ardiis), 3/5 are also Turkish
Americas: 3/10(2 if you count ardiis for EU players), no LATAM
APAC: 2/10
ATM EU and specifically Turkey are the best for developing duelists in 2023(and they still have sociablee among others waiting to be called up) and LATAM/general APAC outside of Korea is struggling to have duelists with success. Lemme know who you think I left out or if I'm just a dumbass for my takes.