Not a hate post but more like pumping the brakes on the hype train. Looked like both teams were playing ranked out there
Yeah I'd take any of m80, g2, or the guard in a match against either of these teams. Hell I bet Oxg or MxM could make EG sweat.
This is why franchising is so stupid. Best teams got broken up, and we might have to watch a full year of this EG roster instead of non paycheck stealers fighting for their life in tier 2
Eg had some cool set plays, but too many missplays in pearl. Boostio performance from was inconsistent in between series. I still learned a bit from the game, and for me thats a W. C9 looked like they were in the same page, but did not see anything strat creative. Just plain aim duels, trades and hero plays. Jakee has good aim, but he needs to look out for the weird solo peeking. runi is a really good suport, he helped on postplants, and really came in as hero with the deagle, i guess the rumours were true. I think any good team vod reviewing c9 should have a big advantage as some attacks looked really predictable.