man if he was still here he would be farming so hard
Never doubt koreans at esports they actually play
Its all they have
bro hasn't been on val in a while too sadge
Imagine being a GE fan then 💀 (Dwg vs ge)
yeah bro went missing
even tho we disagree with a bunch of stuff
i still miss him tho <3
Gayge Clap
where he going tho
that one DWG brit was annoying asf
Okayyyyy is chill as fuck give me your opinion
ip grabber
fr tho HAHAH
He would have owned 🐕 s like jiangli
bro 💀💀💀💀
He still here. But yall dont know yet 😂😂
who and who? seems like a classic baiter, nothing to fret over.