assdiis and his 0.63 KD kekw
bagel 🐔 :yum:
do you put chimkin nuggies on your bagel
cream cheese ^-^
Me when i see a widepeepofrosty post: 😁😁☺️😊
Pooter do you want my cream cheese 🤤
ogre dor poggers
what does bagre mean? i know its catfish but dont really understand its usage
"exotic brazilian portuguese"
d'or is french
iih tá se fazendo de doido
???? d'or é francês mula do krl
Se fingir de desentendido é pior do que aceitar a burrice sua
Parabéns você ganhou o trofeu Mula d'Or do
mula do chat kkkkkkk
catfish is a fish who has small brain and is easy to catch. It is used today to refrain at a bad player or if someone played really bad at a game
He won that with almost 80% of 20k votes lmaooooo
Ardiis being demoralized, you love to see it
damn, why yall hate ardiis my man just got a bad game he still can improve after that and learn his mistakes.
nah actually these bronzilians leaked NRG scrims that's the reason he got a bad game
if you ever wondered why gringos dislike our community, this is why
1-you're americunt 2-gringos doesn't dislike our community. Only sore losers do. kekw
everyone loves brazil <3
1) idk what ur talking about, eu sou brasileiro 2) they do
então me diga o que significa a frase "cu de bebo n tem dono"?
a drunk man's ass has no owner
now try to translate to portuguese: "sentinels is a good team"
it’s literally not wrong ur stupid as fuck
also I can’t do that bc sentinels is a shit team that has never beaten the guard
nah, I asked you to tell me what the expression means, not to translate it
you couldn't even interpret what I said
take off our flag, americunt
it literally doesn’t have an English counterpart so that’s not possible. It just means drunk people are stupid.
stop fake flagging lil bro
sim sim agora deixa o ardiss cagar na sua comunidade
Então só os caras podem ficar zoando a comunidade e a gente não pode fazer a mesma coisa?
Se for para ter uma relação de inferioridade é melhor que não gostem então. O resto é mimimi
esse gamr é americano fi
E porque você se importa? Eles falam coisa muito pior da gente por aí, deixa de ser otario
kinda funny how reddit is complaining about noyn when they're making jokes about players playing so bad they'll need to play in chinese tourneys.. whats the difference lmao
Same noyn dud was talking shit about how derke is bad overrated, feels like he's gonna self karma his region or something now
derke is 3 years in valorant tier s and biggest achievement: Lock-in and needed 4 best players from 4 different countries for that kekw
arrogance is a negative quality my friend, don't get complacent