Bro is so pissed off rn, understandable
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | August 17, 2021 |
Last post: | February 8, 2025 at 2:30 PM |
Posts: | 65 |
Bro is so pissed off rn, understandable
Exactly what I was saying right now. Lightning fast when they want to point fingers on brasilians, napping like Sleeping Beauty when NA users are racist.
If you know those NA users are baiters and disaproves mean brasilian users, why don't u do the same about NA users who does the same? Talking about poverty and all that BS even when we just answers topics even politely? I think you are being hypocrite.
Dude, not only about his bonds with Brasil, Sophia (his wife) is brasilian. And yeah, I won't type Brasil with z, get over it.
I don't know why this is debate. Aspas is clearly the best player who ever played Valorant and you are so dumb if you deny that fact. Only one player makes any opponent ran away from his spike site. Only one player are able to do plays like he does. Only one player can raise the bar of any team of the world, even when a comrade are in a slump. And this player is Erick Santos. Obviously all Leviatan players raised the level (even C0M got some improvements in his stats), Mazino made a great series, but Aspas is the main reason why Leviatan is, right now, a top 3 potencial in the Champions.
They were caught short, that Furia comp in offense is too much explosive, but have flaws in defense.
They opened 4x0 and were all laugh, waving goodbye and all kind of trash talk. Were trashed in the remaining of the map.
I 'don't see any changes that could fix the situation. This core doesn't like to watch VODs, they don't have discipline to play FPS, they just wanna pick up duels in the map. I'm done with them, I quit.
What they should do? Disband
Only KD scrubs doesn't know Sacy's role
Perguntaram tanto do troféu quando o Kick Off acabou, aí o troféu.
Same. Sometimes he looks like that diamond 3 W spammer with good aim and no brain. Don't clear spots, rush like a fucking horse, but I still like him.
Realizing that we gonna have 3 chinese teams in the next Masters.
I know, EDG can be a good team, they kicked NRG ass in the last Champions, they had a mental breakdown today vs Loud, but they still are the best chinese team. If them, being the best region team got stomped against Loud, what is the level of their seed 3?
The sad part? Even if the Masters Grand Finals gonna be a Americas' showdown, there is a big risk of one of them don't qualify to Shangai cause it's a wild wild region and literally any team from Americas is better than a possible seed 3 from China rn. Same about EMEA and Pacific in relation to a seed 3 from Beijing.
I know, Riot is just farming money, but it's sad anyway. Wishing that chinese teams get better.
Pancada goes to a brazilian team. English still a barrier for him. So, I predict Furia.
O calendário termina em AGOSTO, no meio do ano. Isso tá longe de ser balanceado.
He whiffed, but it would be soooooooo fucking good hahahaha
It's not only about chemistry. Johnqt is really a hell of igl. He gives enough security to his teammates to perform their roles to their potential to the point that Tenz can be an offensive Omen and Zellsis can play the lurker role as well as Less in his best moments.
It hurts so much to say this, but Pancada would never have this synergy because he is not fluent in English.
I don't give a damn about NRG supporters and their crying and whining. They just needed to win Sen and lost fair and square. The pairings was known weeks before the Kick Off and you almost lost to a Furia w/o coach and a poor tactical. You are ridiculous, all of you. Withdraw at your insignificance and continue watching from the couch where you belong.
A call foi dada mas os gringos não ouviram...
O problema deles é quando querem pugzar no meio do round, querendo buscar confronto sem precisar. Quando o BZKA e o Fr0d colocarem na cabeça deles que eles têm que jogar o Valorant da rataria, vão surpreender muita gente por aí.
Too much talking for a team that achieved nothing and qualified to Masters after a big choke by 100T. The losers bracket is over there, EG.
Esse time peida mto na farofa, impressionante
I think the vast majority of people misunderstood Saadhak's response. It's not just that Americans are rooting for teams from another continent more than teams from the same continent. It's also a return of criticism regarding what was said about the Brazilian crowd at Lock In. They talked trash about brazilians, they said that we filled the internet with excuses, and when they do the same they throw it under the rug and think that "it's not great thing". Double standards.
Let this be a lesson for not only Brazilians but the rest of LATAM: fuck what these idiot gringos say about us. Let's keep cheering for our teams and fuck them.
And I double dare Tarik gonna talk anything about it.
Amigão, tu sentiu mesmo o Sacy ter saído da Loud, hein?
Que bunda doída de ressentimento, hein?
No, Ardiis is terrible. They need Yay
Even rooting for BLG, I think NRG wins
The bottom line is: the franchises format strictly managed by Riot is a failure. I really don't know why you prefer to kill your own esport scene rather make a big season with tournaments organized by other big leagues like eleague, blast and else.
Teve um round que simboliza todo o problema da MIBR
Round 20 na Pearl
Eles tinham vantagem de arma e pessoal, era um 5x4 vs meia compra da NRG e o Bagriis já no chão
Eles dominaram o B TODO, RGL tava partindo pra laranja pra plantar e aí mandam voltar e ele planta fechado
Com vantagem numérica e de armamento no bomb mais fácil de defender aberto do map pool vc escolhe plantar fechado
Resultado: NRG consegue não só defusar como tbm ainda tira todas as armas da MIBR incluindo uma Operator
Esse tipo de round com tomada de decisão estúpida quando é óbvio que se precisa fazer a Loud raramente fazia. MIBR faz a cada cinco rounds.
Não há a menor comparação no que diz respeito a tomada de decisão entre LOUD e MIBR
Look, Murizz is good trading shots but he is dumb when the subject is being a IGL. If you doubt it, in Brazil we call him Burriz (a pun with "burro"= dumb and his nickname)
Sacy and Pancada need to play in their original roles and Marved >> Dephh. Otherwise, Lev 2-1
Eu não entendo pq o FNS sempre joga costinha? O cara só sabe fazer isso, parece que não sabe fazer mais nada no jogo, é previsível pra caramba.
Aspas é ruim de OP, bom msm é o ferro 3 que tá comentando no post do