Finally DRX will now win a Majors. Been waiting for Foxy to replace Buzz ages ago. This will be exciting.
He's not replacing Buzz, buzz had to leave for personal reasons. He will be back next week. :)
Buzz was only off because of personal reasons today, he will be back next week
Foxy9 will be replacing Zest.
Nevermind. Removing Zest, DRX will never win Majors. Either Buzz or Rb needs to go, and Foxy9 is best future Jett and duelist in Korea.
saying buzz needs to go is a crazy take
Buzz > Zest and it isnt even close.
Zest is best Sova in KR. And necessary in DRX. Buzz is replaceable, and Foxy is better Jett than him for sure.
stop arguing he will replace either zest or buzz depends on maps
lakia or xeta best sova in korea
Buzz played Initiator in off season tournaments when Foxy9 was on Jett.
bro really said rb needs to go,@mods ban this dumbass
Lol i pretty much said, with -zest +foxy9 drx will dominate the league with 0 opposition
No change internationally unless they change their playstyle
That would make rb the main initiator player right? I guess it could work but zest is really good on sova imo