LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira , one of the ten partnered teams in the VCT Americas league, has revealed their new Game Changers lineup, dubbed LOUD GC LOUD GC Inactive antG Antônia Garcia waved blu Victoriah Ceniz Natasha Giulia Natasha m4ndzin Isaac Barreto .

Queremos convidar vocês pra torcer com a gente até o fim.

E lembrem-se, às quartas usamos rosa.

Giulia "lissa" Lissa used to play for Gamelanders Purple Gamelanders Purple Inactive as their sentinel/flex player. The roster didn't find significant success in 2022 in the Game Changers Brazil tournaments but did place second in Qualifiers #1 and #2 in Game Changers Brazil Series 2. At LOUD GC LOUD GC Inactive antG Antônia Garcia waved blu Victoriah Ceniz Natasha Giulia Natasha m4ndzin Isaac Barreto , Lissa has swapped over to the controller role in full.

Before Before Inactive was one of the strongest Game Changers rosters in Brazil during 2022, but could not overcome Team Liquid Brazil Team Liquid Brazil Brazil Rank #9 Bizerra Vitoria Vieira Joojina Letícia Paiva isaa Isabeli Esser daiki Natalia Vilela bstrdd Paula Naguil over the course of the year. They placed second at Game Changers Brazil Series 2 and had multiple top-three finishes in 2022. Team Liquid Brazil has always been the opponent they've faltered against. Now, four of the team's members – Julia "Krysme" Coelho, Julia "Jelly" Iris, Letícia "let" Dias, and Taynah "tayhuhu" Yukimi – have joined LOUD.

In 2023, the current LOUD GC roster participated in Game Changers Brazil: Series 1 under the name jelly e amigas jelly e amigas Inactive Krysme Julia Coelho Jelly Julia Iris let Letícia Dias lissa Giulia Lissa tayhuhu Taynah Yukimi , and finished second in Qualifiers 2 and 3, losing out to Team Liquid Brazil both times around. LOUD has also signed Jonathan "JhoW" Glória, of Ninjas In Pyjamas Ninjas In Pyjamas Inactive fame, as the roster's head coach.

LOUD GC is now: