Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 20, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 10:41 AM
Posts: 14


posted 7 months ago

eveytime he sees the green logo his brain just shuts down

posted about a year ago

they had boaster on map 3 and still lost KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK chora gringao ficou tonto pai

posted about a year ago

trembolona vc nao sabe de PORRA nenhuma viado, deleta essa merda dessa tua conta

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I would like to see PRX winning since this is their last tournament with Jingg before he leaves for his army duty, would be cool to see him leaving on a high note

posted about a year ago

go back to ur scam call center bro

posted about a year ago

i can only see the average braindead brazilian user commenting on this post lmao

ppl don't understand shit about what favors a whole region x what favors the team they cheer for, ofc i'll root for 100t (unless they're playing a br team or lev)

all i want is the extra slot so we can send loud, nrg, lev and sen to tokyo and farm emea.

posted about 2 years ago

kon4n is their 6th player, the starting five should be: dgzin, mwzera, mazin, qck and khalil

posted about 2 years ago

furia is in between loud and the rest of the brazilian teams when it comes to skill. they have 2 star players in dgzin and mwzera, which are the guys who you'll probably be seeing some highlights in a few days, and a solid trio of support players behind them, qck is a beast and a player that cannot be underestimated, the same thing goes for mazin and khalil. i think their coaching staff could be a little bit better, i don't see their HC (Carlao) being that great coach that some people think he is, their chemistry is still to be checked, but you can totally trust these 5 guys to win some crazy shots and win you some insane clutches, their differential is their aim, dgzin and mw are absolutely insanity to watch, qck hits shots out of nowhere, mazin and khalil are really consistent players. their matchup against T1 will be a good test to their skills, playing against a fast-paced team will put their chemistry and calling to test, but when it comes to aim i don't think T1 stands on the same floor as furia.

posted about 2 years ago

você não é paulista e nem brasileiro, você é burro

posted about 2 years ago