Exposed in big games :)
Bottomfragged all of his last games 9-17 on fracture against DRX 3-15 at some point on ascent against DRX 8-16 on ascent against fnatic 14-16 on fracture against fnatic lurking as Jett LMAO
Trembo told u guys ;)
well he did say his arm hurts the other day (hes on massive amounts of copium kekw)
Nem vc acredita nisso
true mwzera > asspass....
mwzera would top frag
no cyap
bro cheer for your region like come on
trembo cheer on loud is like supernova cheer on drx
Não adianta falar meu amigo trembo, só tem lunático. E se você falar que o Derke é melhor é capaz deles caçarem sua família
Aliás, o TuyZ nessa semi e final (até agora), muito abaixo do esperado. pANcada ta fazendo falta
there already down 1 map telling mistakes of aspas wont solve anything brazil fans have to give him the best wishes for the rest of the game
maybe this manchild needs more dolls next to him
aspas? not good with raze
Trembo my king mwzera is the best Brazilian player
Mwzera had 53 kills in 56 rounds vs fnatic, just saying. Unlucky for loud that they couldn't get the Brazilian GOAT in their team.
Bro? Guy can’t kill even when lurking