hey guys, just for curiosity, how much money pro EU players make ? I know NA players make 20K+ month, is EU salary close or they're far behind ?
why would they remove HIKO from the roster? when its working, just because he isnt the best player doesnt mean he isnt important to the team. he is close friends with his team, keeping up the team chemistry and hyping everyone up ingame. overall he is a very good player but not better than cNed and not a top 5 sova in the world, mb i wrote NA
also u cant just drop a player like that it might fk up the whole team
Exactly top 4 sovas in the world aren’t even qualified for berlin.
Why would you compare a sova player to a duelist player ?
It’s a team game ,ultimately it’s not about being better than a player but contributing to a team
Why don’t you say cned>zombs?
Cned is the better player but zombs is a masters 2 winner.It isn’t always about being better than a player
u cant even reply to the right thread kid.
once again be realistic don't be delusional as a TSM fan. if 100T is playing bad CRITISE THEM thats what you are supposed to do if u truly want them to succeed. I said 100T should drop HIKO if they don't qualify for atleast berlin, but they qualified. I didn't say Asuna is worse then cNed and I didn't say Acend is better than 100T. we haven't seen Acend play internationally but I can tell u with 100 certianty that cNed is better than HIKO. stop being delusional just because I say someone is better doesn't mean I hate on the other or that im not rooting for them. I truly believe 100T can win berlin but they are clearly not the odds on favorites.
go educate yourself instead of telling me that u can't expect much from EU people.
maybe u should go ahead and take the TSM badge, as delusional as you are