these guys are actually disgusting. cannot wait to see how they play against navi
clutch after clutch after clutch
Yeap, they can def win
agreed. i would love to see 3 americas teams in the final four too. thats if 100T can beat fnatic
but sorry furia will beat fnc and 100t so 3 americas it is
i mean either way lol. i just want another spot for the amercias in tokyo
Navi clears them so easy
lev crumbles vs structure imo, most of their success comes against flippy teams
NaVi about to dunk on them
nah itll be close
there team insane contract / trade navi individual skill vs god trade
they can't clutch like this against navi just saying
Still think Navi should win, Leviatan dont look as deadly as the orginal team?
????? wtf do you mean, its even better now
aged well :)
Yea it did, this Leviatan looks better than the original one what’s your point
i feel like only LOUD can send LEV home now. if LOUD loses to DRX, LEV wins the championship