what happened between him and his gf, i joined late :sadge:
I'm sad now :(
brk up and friendzoned i think
ldr sucks
what a fkn loser now flamin prod and shanks
Everybody loves a2cheessburghir man :(
what did he say
never heard him this sad i feel bad
dude taste heartbreak :(
so relatable
never really felt she was comfortable with him whenever they duo together. he loves her more than she loves him.
did anyone think his gf actually loved him 💀
what happened?
A2bigtofitinhiscar doesn't deserve this :'(
A2 sad:(
A2goat frfr
A2BIGBOY SAD D::::::: buy him cheeseburgers to eat so he can be happy
Is Guapo fat?
Are you Fatphobic? I mean Nikocado Avacado is still American.
Yea I am
W, I guess
go outside moment
guapito :(
Guapo needs to go into his alpha arc and make a pro team with prod.
if ur reading this guapo, hope u feel better man.